5 Ways To Make Your Beauty Regime More Sustainable

5 Ways To Make Your Beauty Regime More Sustainable

I love that the world is becoming more eco-conscious every day. I rarely get offered a plastic straw when I go to restaurants anymore, and I’m always sure to keep a few reusable shopping bags on me so that I don’t have to buy plastic bags. As a society, we are making small but significant strides towards creating a sustainable world, but there are still many aspects of our lives that could be improved on - our beauty regime being one of them!


The idea for EVEDARE was born out of my search for high quality, natural beauty products - specifically eyelash serum. Unfortunately, I found very little on the market that met my needs. And while today we’re seeing more and more companies make an effort to produce sustainable products, buying cruelty-free isn’t always enough.


For example, did you know that your makeup remover wipes likely aren’t biodegradable? These wipes are flushed into the ocean where they contribute to pollution that kills millions of sea creatures every year. In fact, the number of wet wipes that washed up on UK beaches recently went up by 50%!


As women, one easy way we can live a more eco-friendly lifestyle is by refining our beauty regimes. And remember: if it’s not good for the environment then it’s probably not good for your skin either! Now that I’ve created a sustainable beauty regime in my own life, I’ve realized that it’s easier to create and maintain than you think - and I’ve written this blog post to prove it.


  1. Ditch disposable razors


Every razor you’ve ever used is still sitting somewhere in the world - either in the ocean or a landfill. They will take 1000 years to decompose and before they do, they will do their part to threaten marine species and litter natural habitats. So instead of disposable razors, invest in a reusable stainless steel razor. Not only will it last you a lifetime, but the stainless steel blades are recyclable.


  1. Limit the amount of products your purchase


Don’t freak out - we’re not saying you need to ditch your Sephora sprees! But instead of buying 5 lipsticks on your next haul, try a more sustainable approach. For example, opt for bigger containers when buying cosmetics to reduce the amount of packaging waste. Another option is to opt for multi use products. For example, a bronzing palette can double as eyeshadow.


  1. Ensure the brand is cruelty free and against animal testing


If the packaging doesn’t directly state that it doesn’t engage in animal testing either by including the leaping bunny logo or by stating it in the product description, it likely does. That being said, apps like this one are a great tool for making sure your products are indeed cruelty-free.


  1. Make your own makeup pads


It’s not as hard as you think! Instead of using makeup wipes made from harmful microplastics (or even cotton wool pads, which come in plastic packaging) simply make your own makeup pads that you can reuse and simply throw in the washing machine when dirty. There are various ways you can make them yourself or, if DIY is not your thing, you can purchase them online.


  1. Avoid potentially harmful chemicals found in most conventional products


Numerous scientific studies suggest that parabens, chemicals found in most conventional beauty products, may be harmful to our health. Other commonly used chemicals such as P-phenylenediamine, Dioxane, and Diethanolamine have been shown to be harmful to the environment. Always read the label of your products to ensure your cosmetics don’t contain these chemicals. When in doubt, go for products that use natural ingredients such as plant extracts.


Our EVEDARE Eyelash Serum is not only 100% cruelty-free but also made of natural ingredients that won’t harm your skin or the environment. Free of parabens and made from natural plant-extracts, you can confidently use our EVEDARE Eyelash serum as part of your sustainable beauty regime.


Sign up to our mailing list to get an exclusive discount when we launch EVEDARE Eyelash Serum in July.




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